WHY obama WILL NOT BE RE-ELECTED IN 2012: he WAS, IS AND WILL FOREVER BE ONLY A community organizer

June 21, 2011

The current White House occupant will not be re-elected to the office he currently occupies, because it will eventually be proven that he was not legally entitled to run for the presidency, for starters. obama ran on a platform of hope, change, transparency, and removal of the lobbyist influence, but none of these admirable virtues have come to fruition. Instead, he, with the help of advisers, mostly from the University of Chicago or its environs, have ground our economy down having never had any clue regarding how to run a business. Some one other than his non-vetted czars and tax cheating Secretary of the Treasury should let the president know that running the United States is a huge business and not his part-time toy. I say part-time because of the relative amount of time he spends on golf, basketball and campaigning. rather doing the business of government. Most of his “brilliant” economic advisers have quit, so it is time for him to lay the blame for the failed economic policies on them rather than on George W. Bush.

If you look back to a post discussing the only route that democrats take in a poor attempt at debate with conservatives, you will note that democrats do not debate with facts, but speak continuously, and loudly, while using anecdotal information and lies in an attempt to divert the public’s attention away from their own misguided, judgmental failures.

Should obama’s attorney general, holder, be called upon by congress to explain the idiotic “fast and furious” plan which went terribly wrong. Someone other than the current ATF chief had to have signed off on this tragic plan where an American border guard was murdered by someone using one of the weapons that had not be traced. When will any one in this administration at its higher levels take any responsibility for anything that goes wrong?

It has been announced that tomorrow, obama will have a “big” pronouncement about troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. As much as I would like to see all of our troops withdrawn, that is not feasible at this time. obama ran on an anti-war platform, and has bombed Libya without congressional approval asked for and denied. Should not this president who knows little about anything, allow his generals to advise him regarding the withdrawal of troops, and not valerie jarett or the Irish-born wife of czar sunstein, who never have had any prior experience in the matter. Truth be told, it was the latter’s wife who had obama’s ear with regard to the need to bomb Libya. Forrest Gump’s mother in the movie used the phrase “stupid is as stupid does”. We have a lot of that in government and no amount of “chocolate” is going to right a ship that is floundering .

obama’s affection for Keynesian economics has led this country to a 9.1% (actually 18% and closer to 20%) unemployment rate despite his promise that his “great stimulus” would turn things around. Despite our dire economy, such idiot demagogues such as debbie wasserman shultz, just thinks we are doing fine. Now that we have weiner to kick around, it is great for the Republican party to have her leading the dnc to “greatness”. Speaking of the latter, he waited until the eleventh hour to submit his resignation with that flourished swirl of a signature to squeeze out every dollar in salary from the American taxpayer. Should he not forfeit all of his perks, pensions and health care or be forced to join an HMO?

obama has been silent on the issue of the nlrb against , lest he offend the unions he hopes will provide the monies that will help him reach 1 Billion dollars for his 2012 campaign. Will his secretary of state clinton shun reported position at the World Bank to run against him for the nomination? If so, should not Jewish Americans ask about both their real policies on Israel and about the Jewish people world-wide?

obama’s push for cap and trade both in the open and under the table has given us “green” energy that is supposed to offset the fake global warming issue. In truth, the windmills and electric cars and solar panels will provide jobs for very few at a great cost to the American taxpayer, when they try to upgrade or sell their home. Politicians such as schumer, frank and dodd with the help of Freddy and Fannie and banks that were forced to provide unsubstantiated loans have made it difficult for Americans to sell their homes, while forcing so many into bankruptcy. obama’s latest brainstorm is to provide 1 Billion dollars to 30,000 people who may be subject to are subject to foreclosure. On what basis will those be picked to receive such a boon?

obamacare was is and if not repealed will place more downward pressure on the economy and destroy the great practice or medicine as we have known it in the United States. Do not forget that all of the politicians who voted for but did not read the law beforehand will not be subject to its provisions. There is a DEATH PANEL, not called as such but presided over by 15 appointed bureaucrats who will make life or death decisions based upon cost effectiveness.Over 1400 waivers have been issued on a politically favorable basis to businesses, some of which are located in rich San Francisco where pelosi holds sway. If you recall obama promised that everyone can keep their insurance and their doctors no matter what. Was this statement based upon ignorance, lies and or subterfuge? I believe all of the above. Physicians are opting to leave practice for early retirement or going in to hospital based groups. Soon we must question the quality of doctors that obama will import from foreign countries with diplomas written in a language untranslatable.

The current democrat obstructive policies continue in congress with reid in the senate keeping quiet and the rest of them in the House repeating lies about what Representative Ryan’s plan will or will or will not do. The recent disgraceful ad depicting an elderly lady being thrown over a cliff was just another example of what democrats will do to avoid the truth. Republicans should not waver regarding cutting spending as a requirement before raising the debt ceiling becomes a consideration. Let the democrats wallow in the sewers of deceit they have chosen, and soon no one will blame George Bush for anything since the entire onus of destructive economic, energy and foreign policies is and will be the sole responsibility of the community organizer and his handlers.

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, Americans have indicated that they believe that major changes in government must occur, and that a political revolution may be in the forefront in 2012, because of their complete lack of faith in government, its corrupt politicians, its size, its restrictive nature, its spend-spend policies, and its disconnect from the will of the American people. The obama administration’s refusal to accept this, just underscores the latter.


March 27, 2011

The recession and potential inflation created and fueled by Obama’s naivety, lack of leadership and poor judgment calls at all levels, have caused the American people to tighten their belts and make sacrifices, and they have responded out of duty and necessity. American families have lost their homes because of the continued underhanded policies of mortgage lending institutions supported by this government. Hence there is a glut of homes on the market leading to a 16.9% drop in the resale of homes. American families have been called upon to purchase untested hybrid cars at phenomenal prices in an attempt to offset the rising prices of fuel, because of Obama’s refusal to drill for oil here, while using our tax payer dollars to advance the cause of Brazil’s oil industry. Obama’s on and off bro George Soros allegedly owns a significant share of that market). As an aside, it is worth mentioning that Obama’s great mastery of diplomacy was shunned when Brazil refused to vote for the bombing of Libya, once our “great non-communicator” left Brazilian airspace. American families have sacrificed to have enough money to purchase gasoline to get to their workplaces, lest some might become part of the rising unemployed. The latter numbers have reportedly been fudged by the administration’s office of convenient information (Propaganda) to make 8.9% unemployment look real when it is significantly higher. American families have been called on to lose their health care because of Obama’s persistent agenda to re-create an already failed European Health care system here in a socialized America. American families are already paying higher health care premiums because of the administrations pressure on the insurance industry and the illogical number of waivers provided to unions and other Obama bros to avoid the restrictive policies of Obamacare.

American members of the National Guard have sacrificed time away from family, their jobs and in many cases their lives for this country. American members of the military have sacrificed their lives in defense of the rights and privileges that Obama would easily remove as he tears apart the U.S. Constitution with the assistance of leftist federal judges and ultra liberal justices he has appointed to the Supreme Court. American families have sacrificed their sons and daughters to the cause of freedom. The manner in which the CIA ,FBI and Justice Department are able to do the jobs assigned, has been sacrificed and limited by restrictions applied by leftist liberals in this country. American families have been forced to allow leftist liberal educators re-write history, negatively influencing our children who deserve better. American families have been sacrificing tax dollars to fund union bosses who interfere with the removal of inadequate teachers under the guise of tenure.

What have the Obama’s sacrificed? I don’t believe they have limited the number of parties at the White House, some in honor of people who would do us harm. Obama has not reduced his basketball or golf games to spend more time at the job for which he was erroneously elected. The Obama’s have not given up trips out of the country, supposedly in support of international relations. (Certainly, Copenhagen in quest of the Olympics for Chicago was in the nations best interest?). Obama has not sacrificed or curtailed his use of Air Force One, to politic for policies that will further only his agenda and not for the good of this country at the tax payer’s expense. Have the Obama’s made a sacrifice by no longer bringing in chefs from their beloved Chicago for pizza parties for their children. Have the Obama’s decided to remove their children from an expensive private school and enroll them in a charter school? Has Ms. Obama sacrificed and curtailed her vacations out of the country with forty or more of her friends at our expense? President and Ms. O have done none of the above. At least it has not been publicized that they have. Should not Obama fire the massive excess baggage we are currently paying for, known as THE CZARS AND CZARINAS THAT ADVISE HIM? Perhaps Obama should sacrifice a good part of his unjustified ego and excessive entitlements, and agree to the budget that the Republicans have called for, in addition to the illicit $105 Billions dollars Pelosi and Reid sneaked into Obamacare.



March 24, 2011

The American Constitution entitles each of us to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Obama care appears to take issue with the first entitlement.(DEATH PANELS, RATIONING OF CARE) The government in its constant meddling is interfering with the second, while telling us that we are too stupid to direct our own course in life without its annoying advice and its unrequested help, in attempting to remove our ability to make choices. The immediate and ultimate purpose of the Nanny State is to make people so dependent on the government, very similar to what kidnap victims experience in the Stockholm syndrome, that they lose all sense of purpose. You might recall the book 1984. Individuals are not entitled to the same car or house of a neighbor, nor do they have the right to take them. It is called STEALING. Opportunities are available. entrepreneurship is available, at least until Obama tries to take those as well by heavily taxing small businesses.

Despite what Obama and his ilk may believe, health care is not an entitlement. His only purpose in forcing Obamacare down the throats of Americans is to develop what he calls the First Option which is no option whatsoever. It is just another piece of our liberty removed and must be repealed. A college education is not an entitlement. It is a privilege earned by students who do well in the lower grades,and can afford tuition or are fortunate enough to be given scholarship, some form of student aid or campus employment to defray expenses. Just because someone wants to go to Harvard, that may not happen. No one is entitled to go to Harvard or Yale, but he or she may earn admission for the reasons noted above. No one should be allowed to bump or displace someone who has earned attendance in the school of their choice by any one just because they are a member of a minority. Going to college is not a right. Going to college is not an entitlement. It is something that must be earned.

There are members of minorities who have been unable to excel, because of lack of stimulation on the part of a parent or parents even if both were members of the household. Certainly there have been so many members of what might be considered a minority who did quite well despite all odds because they wanted to do so. I might just mention Colin Powell for one. Standards should not and must not be lowered to make whatever liberal-minded adjustments for the sake of “fairness”. What is fair is the third entitlement; the ability to seek, no matter what, the pursuit of happiness, without it being handed to you as Obama would do.

The country spends an enormous amount of money on education of our children, yet we have to wonder if the money has been well spent considering the ranking the children are in the world with regard to math and the physical sciences. Civics is no longer taught in the public school system. Students have no idea of the current events that impact more on their life than JERSEY SHORE and the rest of the inane fare available on cable. In stead of paying attention to the teacher, students. are too busy texting using abbreviations that are daily coming into the lexicon. Soon, they will no longer be able to write anything sensible. The Unions keep poor teachers in the classrooms and the public pays the freight most of which goes into the pockets of the union bosses.

A number of years ago, the so-called solution was an inferior method of readjustment called Affirmative Action. This was a feel good title that in some minds suggested that it was a good thing to allow students, who never made the grade by learning, to move on to the higher grades and ultimately when making application to college, displace students who in truth earned their way by learning. Affirmative Action should go the way of Obamacare. The current solution is to lower the standards so that minorities, who may be absolutely unqualified may attain positions in the fire and police departments,by achieving a substandard grade in testing. The reason is the falsified deprivation of minorities. Seattle, Washington took it a step further by passing a law, making it illegal for an employer to ask a potential employee about his or her level of education. The reason given, was minorities may not be able to achieve a higher level of education to compete for the job. Clearly, then they do not deserve to compete, unless they raise their own standards. We should not be forced to lower ours.