November 29, 2010

The Farm Bill, last revised in 2008 and due to be re-viewed in 2012, will be taken up by the Congress earlier than anticipated since Obama has chosen to place our farmers in a losing economic position. He plans to remove subsidies that have allowed our farming communities on which they have existed to further advance his entitlement priorities as dictated by his handlers, George Soros and the rest of the Leftist Liberals who pull his strings. The amount of monies provided to farms to produce fewer of certain crops will be reduced to a point where many farms will go under, unless they plant, grow, reap and sell that which the government determines is now illegal. By doing so, farmers will be subjected to such severe fines that most will have to declare bankruptcy and lose properties handed down over generations within their families. Obama will do anything to destroy this country and the farms are next on his list. One of his Uberfuhrers/Czars, Sunstein, allegedly has declared that the eating of meat is harmful to our way of life, so cattle farmers will be next on the list. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL SOON WAKE UP, IF THEY HAVE NOT ALREADY. FOLLOW THE TEA PARTY EXAMPLE. SMALLER GOVERNMENT, LESS SPENDING, NO NEW TAXES AND CONTINUE THE CURRENT BUSH TAX CUTS. ANYTHING ELSE IS UNACCEPTABLE.


November 26, 2010

NBC and its presumed “left-wing” commentator, Matt Lauer, has disgraced the memory of all of those murdered in the Twin Towers, The Pentagon and Pennsylvania by Islamic Terrorists on 9/11/2001, by naming sharif el-gamal a person of the year. This individual is the developer of the Ground Zero Mosque which the majority of Americans do not wish to be completed in the area desired by the irrational liberal leftists, most of whom have been unable to use the term Islamic Terrorists. In the past similar acknowledgments have been provided by Time Magazine to such murderers as Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin, just to name a few, these people were given the spotlight because of how they badly effected the world and not to laud their performances. Matt Lauer has seemingly turned his back on fair and honest reporting, presumably taking his lead from the owner of G.E. There has been an indication that Freedomworks in support of The Tea Party, has called for a response to G.E. by not using its advertisers or products of which there are many. G.E has been a strong supporter of Obama’s Cap and Trade policy, with eyes on the green it can earn rather than how much good it can do for the earth. In concert, Johnson & Johnson, has been in support of Obamacare for some unknown reason. There is also a call for people to make other choices when it comes to purchasing products made by other companies producing similar products. NBC with its cable stations, seems to have become the spokesman for the Obama administration. I, for one will remove the number 4 from my remote, along with all of the cable numbers associated with the NBC affiliates. There are so many better and more reasonable choices.


November 25, 2010

Putting politics aside for the day, and I hope nothing will come up during Thanksgiving dinner, I want to wish all people of good will, who represent every corner of this country and our troops in countries so far from home and family, a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.


November 24, 2010

According to a blog I stumbled upon, 59% of Americans like the Health Care Law. Does that that really mean that 59% of Americans who have read and or understand the rules and regulations regarding this bill have either read and or understand ALL of its provisions. The Obama Administration hopes that neither is the case. Sorry, ex-House Madam Pelosi, since what you have provided is to do nothing but to screw the American people, you should be accorded the TITLE OF MADAM. It will be curious if my comments which are adverse to the principles of THAT BLOG, will be aired. Based upon what NPR that enjoys too much of American Tax Payers Money will say. I would guess that it would never see the light of day in print. Leftist Liberals will either really believe what they say or write or they have become too demented by the losses inflicted upon them in the midterm elections where the American People really had their say despite all of the lies persistently stated by the current administration and ALL OF ITS FLUNKIES.

Robert Gibbs, aside the great salary he must be paid, has to have some or any regrets about the things he has supported and agreed to. He is a human being and must have some ability to speak for himself and not the administration that will toss him aside at ANY GIVEN OPPORTUNITY. GIBBS, YOU REALLY NO LONGER MATTER UNLESS YOU CHOOSE FOR YOUR COUNTRY TO DO SO.


November 23, 2010

Obama, with his semi-non-illustrious vice president went to an Ohio to a government-run plant to press his concerns for America’s poor economy, while the small businesses of this country still cannot hire and produce because of Health Care Costs and the indecision regarding the needed extension of the Bush tax cuts. South Korea is a major ally and a country where we have thousands of American men and women stationed. A memo from National Security indicated that “the North Koreans had acted very very bad.” Goodness, send them to bed without supper. Can any one in this administration make a decision based upon thought and understanding of the problem at hand? I would think not since they are not capable. Obama was never meant to be president. Hopefully, he will understand what a fool he has been in Nov. 2012. We all must pray that he will not continue with his policies of stupidity until that time.


November 22, 2010

The American people fired Pelosi, one of three of the worst individuals to be seated in the Senate or House of Representatives, the other two being Madam Boxer and Waxman, as Speaker of the House.She needed to have an opinion regarding the fact that John Boehner had a weepy moment on National TV the night of the election that her party lost. Actually she acts as if they had won, but she is now relegated to the status of a minority leader. Despite this she plans to forge ahead with the Lame Ducks to enact more offensive legislation while ignoring, along with Harry Reid, mysterious re-electee from Casinoland, the extension of all of the Bush tax cuts for every American. She apparently was embarrassed by Boehner’s emotional display, but more likely she allegedly has been so Botoxed that blinking is a problem, let alone producing tears. She said something about, and I am paraphrasing, “if she cried, it would be for the American people.” The American people do not want her tears. She is the reason for most of the pain and suffering that America is experiencing by virtue of her arm twisting of spayed Democratic men and women who did her bidding regarding the most offensive legislation to be enacted in recent years. She had the audacity, or stupidity to say that the Health Bill should be passed so everyone would know what is in it. Doubt if she knew what was in it then or now. But, the American people surely have become aware of its astounding cost, reduction in services and rationing of care. The same idiots who elected her Speaker have now elected her a minority leader. This could be dangerous until December 11 when Congress takes yet another vacation, but a blessing after January 20 when this despicable woman will lead a party in complete disarray.


November 20, 2010

The manner in which the Government sponsored TSA is physically and inappropriately examining people at our airports is a proven disgrace, but not necessarily a deterrent to terrorism. The Terrorists sitting back on their haunches in Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Afghanistan and Pakistan must be pleased at all of the turmoil and unrest they have caused. Under these circumstances, clearly they have won. It is time to use profiling and questioning and evidence of citizenship to determine who best to put through the disturbing, irrational examinations to which Americans are now being subjected. The same use of profiling must be used at our borders as requested by Arizona and now being requested by both borders states and others subjected to the financial burdens resulting from the influx of illegal aliens. The only reason that Obama has blocked such practices is that he will have to depend upon their votes in 2012. THEY CANNOT VOTE, MR. OBAMA. THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALLY. With that in mind, it has been proposed that any one running for president in 2012 must present a legitimate birth certificate, and the current occupant of the White House should not receive a pass in that regard.

The use of the body scans at airports might at first glance seem like a good idea, as long as those TSA people know how to properly operate them so that people get a minimum of radiation. I doubt their ability to do so. There are those people who choose not to have their private parts investigated by TSA who have had treatment for cancer and who should not go through the body scan. A female airline employee was recently embarrassed by a TSA worker who made her remove a prosthesis she wore, having undergone a mastectomy for breast cancer. The problem is that the TSA agents are not bright enough to know a terrorist when they meet one. All of these rules are not applicable in flights originating in other countries. If all passengers are not required to deplane, who knows what might occur? If supposed terrorists use body cavities to hide explosives, how will those assigned to sort them out explain their job description?


November 19, 2010

The White House has DICTATED that there should be salad bars in public schools. Apparently the first lady climbed aboard the first scale and did not like the result. Recent photos have suggested that Ms. Obama has gained a few pounds, while the president who likes his cheeseburgers and beer still looks like a scarecrow. When will this woman desist from forcing her opinions on the American public because she might have been obese as a child and is upset that she is unable to prevent history from repeating itself. Making public schools offer salad bars as an alternative to the crap they will still serve, will not make the children opt for salad unless this is a choice offered at home by their parents. None of this comes without as price. Will Obama issue an executive order to create the SALAD BAR LAW? It is time that the Obamas stepped out of our schools and kitchens and bedrooms. Parents are perfectly able to make choices for their children. Except those who have the same BMI as the first lady.


November 19, 2010

Showing his frustration for significant democratic losses in the midterm election Senator Jay Rockefeller expressed his wish that the FCC suppress and or censor both Fox News and MSNBC. The Senator used his 1st Amendment right, freedom of speech to suggest that others’ freedom of speech be suppressed. He suggested that Fox created the turmoil that led to the Republican victory in the House and the gain of seats in the Senate. Rockefeller, certainly one of the privileged members of the Senate has been vocal in the past regarding regulation of the Internet as well as creating an environment that would lead to the removal of conservative talk radio from the airways. The Democrats wold rather remove any one who speaks in opposition to them by TELLING THE TRUTH, rather than agreeing to HONEST DEBATE.


November 18, 2010

Unless someone comes up with a reasonable alternative, the American public has to choose between pat down, scan or not fly. Those who decry loss of the 4th amendment might wish to ask how the current TSA mandate affects non-nationals. What rights, if any, do they have with regard to choice of (1), (2), or none of the above. I might suggest that when anyone objects to any type of search, past or current, those who agreed to grope or scan, vote whether or not to allow the naysayers on the plane. It would seem that since it is their lives at risk, it is their choice. MIGHT I SUGGEST THAT PROFILING ALL OF THE POTENTIAL BASTARDS MIGHT BE THE APPROPRIATE WAY TO GO…………………………………